Saturday 1 September 2007


Hubble bubble toil and trouble....
I thought I would make a start on some things for Halloween....Not that witches are just for that time of angels they are for all year round.
I spent most of my young childhood either dressed in my mums petticoats pretending to be an angel, jumping off the stairs flapping my arms in an attempt to fly....or wearing a witches cloak and hat jumping around the an attempt to fly!
As an adult I still would love to be like Samantha from 'Bewitched'...Oh to be able to wiggle my nose and get my housework done!

I would have loved this witch as a favorite colour.There is nothing on this doll to hurt a little one...all the elements are firmly stitched on....But she would be great for a decoration, or an adult doll. I put a close up of her face so you can see her better. I am pleased with her boots...fake leather...I threaded them with purple cotton yarn......Oh I think she is so groovy....

A bag for a little witch...made from curtain weight fabric, the handles are really firmly sewn on.

The picture is a print I sewed on...I used wool for hair and felt for her hat. I threaded hair bands on the handles onto which I sewed stars and sequins.

A cool little witch made from two for the back..the other for the front... I sewed them up and stuffed her adding wool hair and felt hat .


carol said...

hi there fantastic bring back memories as pete always called me the witch his nicname was grobags it stuck he even made a wig out of a taffic cone it had green hair it was quite good well keep up the good work luv carol